Monday, December 22, 2008

Open letter to some asshole in the marijuana subreddit

I decided to go for a quick run through the marijuana subreddit, which is famous amongst it's subscribers for being a tolerant place, where people get together and share articles, experiments, anecdotes, art or just random thoughts on which marijuana or cannabis plays an important role.

It is a fun forum, kept light and it has a sort of censorship free feeling. An honest, oppression free water-cooler, where you get to smoke weed.

I was reading one of the famous "self-posts" (which is when a user doesn't share a hyperlink, but an opinion, anecdote or personal doubt) titled:

"It's 7:55 am, and I'm getting fucking stoned right now. Who else loves a good wake & bake?"

Here I found a comment by some asshole, going with the username of "eco_was_taken" who just completely misses the point of the marijuana legalization struggles by the people. He writes:

"There needs to be a Stoner subreddit so I can unsubscribe to it while still getting marijuana public policy discussions."

He gets a few upvotes by other people missing the pissing bowl completely as well, and proves how far behind some minds are when it comes to political reasoning. I single out eco_was_taken's comment as an example of the retrograde thinking in our society. This is more than an attack on him and his views, it's an attack on our society's arrogance and embarrassingly greedy lack of self analysis, which is at is core what is preventing us, us all humans, from equal rights to success and joy.

So eco_was_taken, here's an open letter to your post:

You do not get to call us stoners you fucking asshole. Don't you get it?! Marijuana is not an addictive drug nor it is a crime inducing drug. Who the fuck do you think you are? Do you think your shit doesn't stink? Or that you are better than us because you are not a filthy "stoner" but some sort of proto-politician who just likes to discuss "public policy".

The Marijuana debate is not just a legalization debate moron, it's about decency and freedom. If I want to smoke that herb I'll smoke it and feel good about it, I don't require the sympathy of some high-nosed asshole yuppie giving me legal passage to get my "dope".

It's about SCIENCE over political bullshit. It's having scientific knowledge shared with the people in a humane way, not locking it up and keeping it away because it doesn't fit your agenda. Just because you happen to feel legally towards "OK" on the marijuana issue doesn't change the fact that most political morons out there still feel like they should ban the substance.

It's about getting over how you morally feel about something and having some goddamn sense and reason on how to enable a more dynamic, scientific and empathetic law for the people and by the people, not politicians and other flavours of populist assholes and their minions (the so called "experts"), that much like you, look down on "stoners" (which is a word we captured and we now defiantly use with pride) because you consider us "bums" or "dumbasses" without even stopping for a second to think that most of us are in fact successful professionals with passion and dedication for our craft. Or not. The point is that it's not up to you to judge us and label us based on something as innocuous as getting high with marijuana and enjoying the fuck out of it.

Get over yourself, idiot, and allow people to fulfill their lives in whichever way they deem satisfying. If people want to get home after work, roll up a fatty and laugh out loud with some friends while watching a movie, or even just sharing with people in the marijuana subreddit (this little marijuana safe haven so neatly set up by ourselves) about stuff we like to do, you better damn well respect their choice and not go about crying to the sky about how much you feel sickened by their attitude and demand more isolation and segregation.

Because right there you are stepping into dangerous ground, and you might start to realize that you aren't as liberal as you felt you were, and that all you really want is to legalize you morals and values, without regard for what's fair and just for all. Some years from now you might wake up and realize you've become a fascist and in your liberal disguise you've hurt us all more than you have ever thought you could. So open your mind and put yourself in someone else's place before you wave your flag, shoot your gun or worst of all, impose your irrational judgement.


Joshua Fenio said...

The awesome part is that I'm good friends with eco IRL, and he's about as for marijuana decriminalization as one can get. What you don't understand is that YOU'RE diluting the argument, not him. Same with the 'omgz i'm high!one!1' guy. Grow up. Yea, we get stoned too, but we don't feel the need to post immature reddit topics.

Adult potheads 1, childish douchebags 0

Unknown said...

Did you just write this up and then look for a random comment on reddit to respond to? Because your weak points have absolutely nothing to do with the comment. The only point he is trying to make is that he would rather read things that are more relevant to the marijuana debate and not a comment from someone saying something like, "Dude, I'm so fucked up right now." I think the fact that he left this post shows that he is more serious about the debate than you are. You said that he called all stoners "bums" and "dumbasses" and you quoted those words. You don't quote something unless someone actually said it. You probably should have reread the post before you put up your moranic blog post. I couldn't find one sentence in your blog that even relates to the comment, except for at the beginning. It appears that the only reason you wrote all this bullshit (besides the fact that you are a moron) is that you are butt hurt that he used the word "stoners". Big fucking deal. Get over yourself. Are you too good to be called a stoner? It seems that maybe you are the one who is against marijuana.